Birds of a Feather Flock Together Meaning
The meaning of birds of a feather flock together refers to a group of people who share similar interests beliefs and ideologies. Birds of a feather flock together idiom saying said about people who have similar characters or interests especially ones of which you disapprove and who often spend time with each other. Birds Of A Feather Flock Together Idioms Proverbs Cool Pets Birds Flamingo Birds of a feather flock together is an expression that means that people with similar habits and customs will naturally be drawn to each other. . Why is it birds of a feather. Similar or like-minded people. The phrase birds of a feather flock together refers to the natural phenomena of a single bird species flying in groups or flocks. The famous saying birds of a feather flock together means people of similar character or with similar habits and interests accompany each. These flocks or murmurations can become quite dense as. You simply ...